विशिष्ट अवकलज - vishisht avakalaj meaning in hindi

Suggested :
पाथरासि | sea |
Vikings of Scandinavia fought for control over the sea with Slavic Pomeranians. | |
जाँ वँ | valid |
This comparison remains valid whatever the local strength of gravity. | |
बार बार | repeatedly |
Malawi has repeatedly been affected by famines since 2002 | |
चलचाल | floating |
Negroponte told the Red Hat's annual user summit: “It is a floating price. | |
अंदोअन | stir |
A slight push helped me to stir the table from its place. Slight music stirred him into action. |
vishisht avakalaj
अक्षरों की संख्या: 14 स्वर व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
vishiShTa avakalaja
Related spellings : vishisht avakalaj
Related spellings : vishisht avakalaj
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